Who’s the Winner? Election Challenges and How to Resolve Them

As evidenced in the last presidential election, election disputes can be nasty, many- headed beasts. Whether running for President of the United States, for president of the student body and sometimes even president of an association, candidates campaign to win. Additionally, these candidates collect fervent supporters who will also fight tooth and nail to ensureGo to Resource

Sample Board Policies and Procedures (Book of Governance)

This publication is an accumulation of the Association’s policies. We intend that it is a statement of purposes, policies, values, perspectives and relationships. Because of its nature this is intended to be a “work in progress.” “Work in progress” in the respect that it will continue to grow and to be modified as better informationGo to Resource

Discrimination by Homeowner Associations – What is it and are you doing it?

Many homeowner associations, at one point or another, have discrimination charges filed, or threatened to be filed, against them. For the most part, such threats and charges are a direct result of the association enforcing the terms of its governing documents and compelling residents to do something they don’t want to do, or prohibiting residentsGo to Resource

Meeting Moment – Surrender Chair

You’ve been promoting the need for a special assessment for months now. As board president, you’ve taken the lead in exploring alternatives and developing a budget. Now, you’re planning the agenda for the meeting where homeowners will vote on the special assessment. I’m afraid some homeowners who oppose this special assessment don’t believe I willGo to Resource
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