Workers Compensation Insurance: A Cautionary Tale

Anyone who has attended one of our classes related to insurance obligations for homeowners associations has probably heard us recommend associations carry workers’ compensation insurance.  The often asked question is, “Why should we carry workers’ compensation insurance if we don’t have employees?” First, you may have employees, as defined by the Colorado Workers’ Compensation Act,Go to Resource

Dipping Into Reserves

The Problem – The Unbudgeted Expense: Everything seems to be growing except the coffers: boards are faced with mounting operational expenses and increased delinquencies, without the same matched growth in revenue.  And, unfortunately, not all expenses are planned – emergencies will come up. For example, if there is a big snow storm and the associationGo to Resource

CCIOA Corner – Alterations of Units

If your community’s declaration is silent as to interior alterations of units, did you know that Section 211(a) of CCIOA authorizes owners to make improvements or alterations to their units without seeking board approval? Specifically, Section 211(a) authorizes owners in post-CCIOA communities (communities created after July 1, 1992) to make improvements and alterations inside theirGo to Resource

How the CCIOA Budget Process Works

As we are in the middle of annual meeting season for many communities, it may be helpful to review the budgeting process that you are required to follow.  Budgeting is the process of reviewing your association’s anticipated income and establishing planned expenditures for the upcoming year.  The process results in the preparation of a proposedGo to Resource
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