How the Colorado Civil Access Pilot Project May Impact Your Association

The Colorado Civil Access Pilot Program (“CCAPP”) significantly impacts timelines associated with service, disclosures, pleadings and discovery in District Court litigation.  CCAPP also impacts the scope of discovery and limits the use of experts at trial.  CCAPP was designed with the goal of streamlining litigation so that costs are kept at a minimum and casesGo to Resource

Sexual Harassment & Associations

Scenario:  You are the president of an association with a staff of on-site employees who manage the clubhouse and pool, perform maintenance and repairs of the common areas, do the accounting and collection for the association, and otherwise administer the affairs of the association.  You get a call at 5:00 on a Friday afternoon fromGo to Resource

CCIOA Corner—Insuring Condominium Units

If your association is a condominium community created after July 1, 1992 (post-CCIOA), take a look at your property insurance policy and see if the association maintains a “bare walls” policy.  If so, this insurance policy may be subject to challenge regardless of what your governing documents might require. A “bare walls” policy typically coversGo to Resource

Meeting Moment – Vision, Leadership and the President’s Report

Surveys have found that speaking in public is one of many people’s top fears.  Perhaps that’s one reason why, when preparing for homeowner meetings, the president usually spends most of his or her time anticipating how best to handle difficult issues, and comparatively little time preparing for the president’s report. It’s natural for a presidentGo to Resource
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