CCIOA Corner-Interest on Delinquent Accounts

If your governing documents are silent concerning the rate of interest to be imposed on delinquent assessments, how do you set the rate? It may assist you to know that CCIOA sets a cap on the rate of interest that may be charged by post-CCIOA communities.  Specifically, Section 315(2) of CCIOA caps interest on delinquentGo to Resource

Is Your Association Prepared for Natural Disasters?

Natural disasters come in many shapes and sizes.  It could be a tornado, a flood, Superstorm Sandy, or a wildfire.  Regardless of the type of disaster, the devastation and loss is often overwhelming.  Nothing can fully prepare someone to handle the emotional impact of a natural disaster.  However, with some thought and planning before aGo to Resource

Conflicts of Interest-What Exactly Are They?

Your board is considering whether to assume the maintenance of the perimeter fencing in the community, which is allowed by the governing documents.  Two of the five board members’ lots border the perimeter fence, and if the maintenance is assumed by the Association, those board members will no longer have to maintain the fence borderingGo to Resource

Ah, Ski Season, It Must Be Time to Install Your Pool Lift

With the leaves changing, the temperature falling, and the ski resorts making snow, that can only mean one thing: ski season is right around the corner as is the January 31, 2013 Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) compliance deadline for pool accessibility.   As required by the ADA, any place of public accommodation must have aGo to Resource
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