Voluntary Compliance – Myth or Reality?

It is often said that the goal of any restriction or requirement contained in governing documents or rules in associations is voluntary compliance.  But what does that really mean and is it even possible? If rules and restrictions are well-written, understandable, and relevant to a community we would hope that owners will voluntarily comply andGo to Resource
Why is communication important? Lack of communication or ineffective communication can damage any relationship.  If I fail to communicate at all then I lose credibility, create suspicion or mistrust, and potentially cause or perpetuate conflict. On the other hand, if I communicate ineffectively, then it makes no difference what I say as it will eitherGo to Resource

Managing Conflict Among Board Members

Ideally, a board of directors should be composed of individuals who work cohesively and efficiently to manage the community they serve.  But in reality this is not always the case.  Boards are comprised of different people with different abilities, talents, opinions, and life stories, trying to make decisions on behalf of an entire community inGo to Resource

Fair Housing Refresher

Many community associations, at one point or another, have discrimination charges filed, or threatened to be filed, against them. For the most part, such threats and charges are a direct result of the association enforcing the terms of its governing documents and compelling residents to do something they do not want to do, or prohibitingGo to Resource

How do you prove the existence of a Covenant Violation?

Board members often ask what needs to be shown in order to prove there is a covenant violation at a hearing versus at trial.  The answers to both are very different. At a Hearing for Imposition of a fine: Most governing documents and the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA”) only require associations grant ownersGo to Resource
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