Maintaining Association Business Records

A homeowner’s association is a non-profit corporation.  Every corporation produces business records which can be a life line or anchor for a business.  If a business keeps proper records, these records can help lessen the threat of litigation.  If a corporation fails to maintain proper documentation, the ability of the corporation to defend itself isGo to Resource

Budgeting For Owner Associations: Pre and Post CCIOA

A.     Budgeting in General Prior to actual budget approval, consider the following: Set goals.  Review, revise and update goals each year.  Involve the community and Owners through meetings, opportunities to serve on committees and questionnaires. Establish a planning process for each service offered to community to assist with budgeting process. Each service provided by theGo to Resource

Covenant Enforcement: Violating the Fair Housing Act by Assessing Fines and Penalties

The number of cases alleging discrimination on race-based or sex-based violations of the Fair Housing Amendments Act (FHAA) is legion. Under the Fair Housing Amendments Act (FHAA), it is unlawful “to discriminate against any person in the terms, conditions, or privileges of sale or rental of a dwelling, or in the provision of services orGo to Resource

Bankruptcy and Collections: What you need to know

Winter is fast approaching and you may be wondering how your association is going to pay its bills if there is another bad winter.  Your delinquencies may be up and you see no hope in collecting all the money that is due.  Then the delinquent homeowner who was paying files bankruptcy.  Your frustration turns toGo to Resource

A Practical Approach to Collecting Association Assessments

Introduction Assessments are the life blood of community associations. The Board of Directors has a fiduciary duty to collect assessments from owners. If the Board of Directors fails to fulfill its fiduciary responsibility to ensure assessments are received from all owners in a timely manner, it will in many instances be unable to carry outGo to Resource
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