Directors and Officers Liability Insurance: Prior Acts Coverage

Directors and Officers (D&O) Liability Insurance (or Association Professional Liability Insurance) provides coverage for the directors and officers of an association, as well as the association itself for the cost of defense and claims arising from lawsuits alleging that the directors or the association failed to properly perform their required duties. Every association should maintainGo to Resource

Dealing With Disruptive Behavior at Board Meetings

General Authority Generally, the board of directors may deal with disruptive behavior under authority of the governing documents of the association.  Many associations are required to conduct meetings according to parliamentary procedures set forth in the association’s bylaws and rules.  If your association does not have such requirements, it is a good idea to adoptGo to Resource

What to do When a Neighbor’s Tree Strays

You are baking a birthday cake and suddenly realize you are short about a cup of sugar. The reality hits. In the past, your neighbor happily supplied you with the missing ingredient, but now … ever since the “tree-branch incident” you are no longer on speaking terms. The branches of your neighbor’s old maple treeGo to Resource

Who Does “Our” Attorney Represent Anyway?

An association’s legal counsel represents the association, right?  While it’s true that an association’s attorney represents the corporate entity, in practice it’s not always that simple.  Associations are typically made up of multiple directors, members, and one or more managers, making for a hodgepodge of personalities and opinions.  It is not uncommon for board membersGo to Resource
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