Common Mistakes Boards Make at Annual Meetings

Inadequate notice. The Board should review the association’s bylaws to determine whether it requires annual meetings beheld on a specific date and/ or time. Many older bylaws do specify this information and the Board should not deviate from that requirement without first amending the Bylaws. The Board should review the requirements for member meetings toGo to Resource

Inspection of Association Records

A member of your association comes to you requesting to see the minutes from the last twelve board meetings.  Another member asks for copies of all contracts the association has entered into, plus all checks written to those contractors.  Yet another asks for a copy of an opinion letter from the association’s attorney.  How shouldGo to Resource

Effective Vendor and Construction Contracts

Associations enter into all sorts of contracts for many types of projects – landscaping, roof repair, pool maintenance and repair, and siding, to name just a few.   Many of these contracts involve large sums of money and a major amount of work.  In order to protect the Association and its investment, the Association should ensureGo to Resource

Scorecard for Your Conduct of Meetings Policy

How effective is your association’s conduct of meetings policy? As many owners in mountain communities don’t live in their units year round, boards of mountain communities rely on electronic communication to increase participation by non-resident board members as well as owners. But “boilerplate” conduct of meeting policies generally aren’t designed to encourage remote participation orGo to Resource
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