CCIOA Corner—Director Conflicts of Interest

You’ve, no doubt, heard the term “conflict of interest” flung around quite a bit in the HOA industry.  But what does this term really mean?  Did you know that CCIOA, with the help of the Revised Nonprofit Corporations Act (“Nonprofit Act”), specifically defines this term and provides guidance for associations with respect to this issue?PursuantGo to Resource

CCIOA Corner—Maintenance and Entry into Units

Did you know that Section 307(1) of CCIOA requires post-CCIOA associations to maintain common elements (including general and limited common elements) and owners to maintain their units in absence of a statement to the contrary in the declaration?  Did you also know that this same provision authorizes associations and their agents to enter units forGo to Resource

Don’t Get Wet: March 15 is Only Two Weeks Away!

On July 23, 2010, Attorney General Eric Holder signed Final Regulations revising the Department of Justices’ ADA regulations.  Among other revisions, these new regulations created new standards for accessibility to pools and hot tubs for all “places of lodging” and “places of public recreation”.  All compliance must be achieved by March 15, 2012, or uponGo to Resource

CCIOA Corner – Alterations of Units

If your community’s declaration is silent as to interior alterations of units, did you know that Section 211(a) of CCIOA authorizes owners to make improvements or alterations to their units without seeking board approval? Specifically, Section 211(a) authorizes owners in post-CCIOA communities (communities created after July 1, 1992) to make improvements and alterations inside theirGo to Resource
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