Got Chickens?

The town board for the Town of Windsor recently directed its staff to prepare an update to the town ordinance allowing backyard chickens.  The update is intended to remove the sunset clause in the ordinance which eliminates the need for the town board to review the ordinance on an annual basis.  Other Front Range municipalitiesGo to Resource

CCIOA Corner—Owner Education

Is your association complying with CCIOA’s owner education requirement?  If you responded with “what owner education requirement?” read on! Section 209.7 of CCIOA, which was added in 2005 by our old friend Senate Bill 100, requires associations to provide owners with education, at least annually, pertaining to the “general operations of the association and theGo to Resource

What’s Going On In There?

What is the proper role of your community association and its board of directors when it is suspected that there may be something illegal going on inside an owner’s unit?  For instance, a neighbor may believe he smells marijuana smoke coming from the unit next door.  Or perhaps a board member has observed an inordinateGo to Resource
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