Meeting Moment – Fatal Flaws

Most of the time difficult situations that arise during a meeting can be resolved on the spot, but occasionally, “fatal flaws” arise: those few errors or situations that arise that cannot be fixed at that meeting. For example, let’s say the annual meeting has been going on for some time.  As the chair, you’re aboutGo to Resource

Does Your Association Have the Written Policies it Needs?

By now, most community associations have met the minimum requirements when it comes to adopting the responsible governance policies required under the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (CCIOA).  You have duly adopted all 9 of the required policies, including a collection policy, an enforcement policy and a conflict of interest policy to name a few. Go to Resource

Disruptive Owners and the HOA; Dealing with Government; and Dealing with the Media

DEALING WITH THE DISRUPTIVE OWNER–“AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION” There is nothing an association can do in advance that will guarantee it will not have to cope with a disruptive owner.  However, an association can do things that will make it less likely a disruptive owner will surface and that such an owner’s disruptive tactics willGo to Resource
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