Does Your Association Make the Grade?

Do you think your neighbors ever wonder where the monthly association dues are going? Is it all going into the flower bed at the front of the subdivision or are substantial neighborhood improvements underway? Just how good a job is your homeowners association doing? With thousands of homeowners associations operating communities, it is a questionGo to Resource

CCIOA Corner—Unit Boundary Reallocations

Have you ever been confronted with a situation where an owner who owns two adjacent units wants to merge the units together, or a situation where two owners want to reallocate their unit boundaries?  If so, Section 212 of CCIOA provides guidance with respect to this process if your declaration is silent. Keep in mindGo to Resource

Difficult People: How Do You Deal with Them?

How do we as humans deal with people who yell and scream at us or refuse to be rational? You know the type, adversarial, manipulative, inflexible, unreasonable, irrational. For most people, the answer is “We don’t”. If given the choice, most of us choose not to work with people like this. We don’t socialize withGo to Resource
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