Board Member Boundaries and Obligations – Part 2

As a board member, you have a slew of duties and obligations to carry out. Some of these duties and obligations are contained in the governing documents of the association; some are contained in statute. Regardless of where these duties and obligations originate, they must be followed and observed to keep the board members andGo to Resource

Board Member Boundaries and Obligations – Part 1

As a board member, you have a slew of duties and obligations to carry out.  Some of these duties and obligations are contained in the governing documents of the association; some are contained in statute.  Regardless of where these duties and obligations originate, they must be followed and observed to keep the board members andGo to Resource

Just a “Minute”!!

The phrase “in a New York minute” is supposed to mean in an instant. Or, as Johnny Carson once said, it’s that split-second interval between a Manhattan traffic light turning green and the guy behind you honking his horn. On the other hand, if I holler “I’ll just be a minute” while scrambling around inGo to Resource
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