By: Elina B. Gilbert, Esq. Pursuant to the Colorado Revised Nonprofit Corporations Act and most governing documents, associations have authority to create, change, and disband committees, as well as the right to appoint and remove persons to/from such committees. Committees are useful tools to assist boards with managing their duties and building goodwill in theirGo to Resource
Taking good meeting minutes is a bit of an art form; on the one hand, minutes should be brief (hence the term “minutes”), but on the other hand minutes need to contain enough information to accurately report all actions that took place during the meeting. So, what is the secret to taking good meeting minutes?Go to Resource
Director elections are one of the most important powers association members have, so it makes sense that owners take elections seriously.  Whether voting in an election and/or running for the board, the process and its results are personal to association members.  Therefore, any appearance of impropriety or error in the process is oftentimes met withGo to Resource
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