Board Members’ Rights and Duties Concerning Association Funds

Board members owe several overarching fiduciary duties: the duty of reasonable care and attention, the duty of loyalty to faithfully pursue the community’s interests, and the duty of obedience to follow the association’s governing documents and policies. To fulfill these duties, a community association board member must exercise appropriate financial stewardship. Responsible fiscal responsibility hasGo to Resource

Time to Budget for Deferred Legal Maintenance

Now that accounts receivables are finally starting to shrink, many associations are working hard to stabilize their communities’ finances and planning to take care of long-deferred maintenance projects.  During this upcoming budget season, boards and managers will be making important decisions about which projects can, and must, be funded next year and over the comingGo to Resource

Dipping Into Reserves

The Problem – The Unbudgeted Expense: Everything seems to be growing except the coffers: boards are faced with mounting operational expenses and increased delinquencies, without the same matched growth in revenue.  And, unfortunately, not all expenses are planned – emergencies will come up. For example, if there is a big snow storm and the associationGo to Resource

Best Practices Report #4 Financial Operations (Published by Community Association Institute Research Foundation)

Financial Operations It is CAI’s purpose to foster vibrant, responsive, competent community associations that promote harmony, a sense of community, and responsible leadership. Given that the fiscal health of the association has a direct impact on every member of the community, proper management of financial operations is an important element of building better communities. WhileGo to Resource
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