If you can do one thing differently in your association that would make everything easier and necessary, what would that ONE thing be?
I recently listened to a podcast hosted by Hal Elrod author of the Miracle Morning. During this podcast he interviewed Jay Papasan regarding the book, The ONE Thing. One of my takeaways was the above question. I then thought of how board members and managers would answer it in the context of an association. Would you communicate more with owners? Would you plan more social events? Would you raise assessments? The answer may start from understanding WHY you are on the board or WHY you are an association manager?
We walk through the neighborhood looking for violations by homeowners and turn a blind eye to infrastructure from grass to edging to shrub and tree replacement. For those items in these categories that we do note, we do not let homeowners know that we know of a problem and are working on it. We do not point out that we do not overwater, Mother nature has provided abundant “supplemental” water. We should let them know we water six days a week, but at only half the amount per day that neighboring communities use on a 3 day cycle.
Simple communication(s) would alleviate 95% of the complaints. The other 5% you are never going to satisfy.
understanding how we work, how it affects them, how they can participate, how they can be a community.