What’s Going On In There?

What is the proper role of your community association and its board of directors when it is suspected that there may be something illegal going on inside an owner’s unit?  For instance, a neighbor may believe he smells marijuana smoke coming from the unit next door.  Or perhaps a board member has observed an inordinateGo to Resource

If You Were Stranded on a Desert Island Would You Be Better Off On Your Own or With Someone?

Earlier this year I attended a class called Synergistic Decision Making.  We learned how groups that work effectively together make better decisions than even the most qualified individual.  We also learned how different views, when combined, lead to better solutions.  And we learned all of this by performing a single exercise.  It was fascinating. ThereGo to Resource

Contract Pitfalls

The art of contract negotiation is often overlooked when associations are contemplating hiring a contractor to provide a particular service or perform certain work.  At the beginning of the relationship, everyone is on their best behavior and thinking that all will go according to plan.  Often, boards fear insulting a contractor by pushing for aGo to Resource
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