Winter is a great time to review your association’s governing documents including your declaration and rules and regulations to ensure your association is moving forward in a positive direction. Specifically, you want to make sure that your governing documents match up to how the Board and the community see the Association moving into the future.Go to Resource
HB22-1137 is all the rage lately, isn’t it? New procedures, notices, lengths of payment plans, limitations on fines, keeping better track of communications regarding all of the above – whoo! Exhausted just thinking about it! But… the first step in complying with the most recent HOA law in Colorado is to get the updated policiesGo to Resource
This past summer, the Colorado legislature passed HB22-1137, which became effective on August 9, 2022. This new law requires Colorado associations to update their Collection Policy, Covenant Enforcement Policy and Conduct of Meetings Policy. Additionally, it requires several changes to the collections and covenant enforcement processes. This article focuses on the collections changes, but ifGo to Resource
One instance in which Colorado law favors transparency in homeowner associations is in the form of open Board meetings.  Specifically, Section 308 of the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA”) provides that meetings of an association’s Board of Directors are generally open to attendance by all homeowners. The spirit of the law is to allowGo to Resource
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