Yesterday, May 11, the 2011 Colorado Legislative session closed.  It was an active and reasonably positive session from the point of view of the community association industry, with many favorable bills passing and several unfavorable bills being killed or positively modified.

Unfortunately, one of the favorable bills we supported —  the HOA Registration “Clean-Up” bill, SB 11-253 — was killed this week when it was not calendared for a final vote in the House.  This bill was spearheaded by CAI’s Colorado Legislative Action Committee, which worked very hard with the bill’s sponsors to advance the bill.  We congratulate the Committee, its lobbyist and all its supporters for their work on behalf of our industry, and hope the important issues raised in this bill will have a more favorable outcome in next year’s session.

For an overview of all the key bills which passed (or will shortly pass) into law this session which  will impact the governance of community associations, please check the links to our previous blogs:

Look for an in-depth analysis and our attorneys’ recommendations for complying with these new laws in our June Community E-ssentials newsletter.

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