In prior blog posts  we discussed House Bill 18-1342, which proposed that all pre-Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA”) communities, i.e. communities formed prior to July 1, 1992, comply with the budget veto process found in Section 303(4)(a) of CCIOA. Section 303(4)(a) was, previously, only applicable to post-CCIOA communities. HB 18-1342 has beenGo to Resource
Day two of the CAI Annual Conference and Exposition kicked off with BBC correspondent Katty Kay. Speaking on worldwide issues, Ms. Kay spoke on the state of the world including (1) the rise of China as a superpower, (2) the need to, as consumers, be better at recognizing fake news, and (3) civility withGo to Resource
I’m here at the CAI Annual Conference and Exposition, watching Scott Canady of Tambala Strategy and Ron Perl from Hill Wallack, LLP discuss FHA condominium approvals. Legislation both at the state as well as federal level continues to impact community associations. Federally, CAI continues to work on developments with a number of different topicsGo to Resource
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