Being an association manager is not always filled with lots of recognition for the hours put in to make communities successful. There is a lot of negativity about the industry and the profession. But, with the help of Association Reserves, Inc., Assurant, Kevin Davis Insurance and Pacific Premier HOA and Property Banking, oneGo to Resource
In the attached Alert CAI National released today, it outlines what is happening in DC related to increased flood insurance premiums. We know that many communities affected by our recent floods will be concerned about this legislation.
With the economy theoretically on the upswing, it is likely we will see more commercial development occurring. Oftentimes, this development isn’t something that residents in your community association want or support as this story points out. However, before your community association decides to fight a development and heads to the city council meetings,Go to Resource
As we have discussed in the past, what constitutes the unauthorized practice of law has been a hot issue in Florida and Arizona. It appears that both sides of the Florida dispute are looking to have a legislative answer regardless of where the Florida Supreme Court ends up on the issue. The Florida HouseGo to Resource
In July, the Fort Collins City Council adopted an ordinance, allowing city residents to keep and raise miniature goats within the City. Some of the details of the ordinance are as follows: Allows the keeping of two pygmy or dwarf goats plus their offspring Residents must obtain a permit from the Humane SocietyGo to Resource