Recently the board of directors of both the Rocky Mountain and the Southern Colorado Chapters of CAI passed motions encouraging the Colorado Legislative Action Committee of CAI (“CLAC”) to seek passage of a concept bill implementing a credentialing program for community association managers. The boards urged that the CLAC do so within theGo to Resource
On June 6, 2010, Governor Ritter signed House Bill 1278 into law. As originally introduced, HB 1278 would have created an ombudsman to advocate for the rights of unit owners to the detriment of their associations. After lengthy negotiations, HB 1278 was completely rewritten and all references to an ombudsman and any advocacyGo to Resource
On June 21, 2010 the Denver City Council unanimously approved a new zoning code for the City and County of Denver. The new code took over 5 years to develop and became effective on June 25, 2010.
In a recent article in The New York Times, the concept of prohibiting smoking in apartment buildings was addressed head-on. Citing medical studies addressed in the New England Journal of Medicine and the 2006 Surgeon General’s report, the article questions why we aren’t prohibiting occupants of apartments from second and third hand smokeGo to Resource
In response to some associations in the United States prohibiting the display of service flags honoring men and women serving in the armed forces, Senator Jim Webb of Virginia introduced the S.3477 in the United States Senate. More commonly referred to as the Blue Star/Gold Star Flag Act of 2010, S.3477 provides thatGo to Resource