There’s a great new place for Colorado business owners to get started planning funding to drive growth: a coalition of private and public organizations, led by the Colorado Bankers Association, recently launched a new website to help small businesses find financing sources. The website features a wide array of resources for closely heldGo to Resource
When reviewing the proposed Sunrise regulations requiring licensing of community association managers in Colorado, DORA looked at several factors. For the full review, click here. However, prior to issuing its recommendation, DORA noted there are several levels of regulation that may be imposed against a profession. Licensure is the most restrictive form ofGo to Resource
On March 2, 2012, DORA published its official Sunrise Review of the proposed manager licensing requirements. The review is mandated by Colorado Revised Statutes, Section 24-34-104.1 that requires any proposed legislation regulating an occupation or profession to be reviewed by DORA to ensure such regulation is necessary to protect the public. DORA mustGo to Resource
DORA issued its Sunrise Report today and recommends that management companies be regulated. The report states “regulation is justified and widely supported. Given the types of harm identified during the course of this review and the legitimate concerns surrounding the cost of regulation, it is logical to conclude that the best course ofGo to Resource
As the deadline to file 2011 tax returns approaches, it is a great time for business owners to start planning for next year. Tax expert Barbara Weltman offers the following tips for business owners in 2012. Retirement Plan Changes. The dollar limits on contributions and benefits to qualified retirement plans such as SEPs,Go to Resource