If you live in or manage a community where the association pays for water usage, consider the money you may be “flushing” away by using the original water guzzling toilets. The Devon Condominium Community in Florida was lucky enough to take advantage of a city grant allowing it to replace more than 250Go to Resource
As reported by the Denver Business Journal, Forbes’ has placed Fort Collins and Denver in the top five in its latest ranking of American’s Best Places for Business and Careers. In formulating the rankings Forbes’ considers factors such as job metrics, costs, income growth, quality of life, and education of the labor force. Go to Resource
Like emergency preparedness planning, legal services are always cheaper and more effective when obtained at the right time, in advance, in order to prevent future problems. In our Planning for Business Expansion Financing blog post, we talked about one of those milestones: preparing to obtain first stage financing. Most business owners know theyGo to Resource
Evictions are always time consuming and can be expensive if done haphazardly. The only thing worse than going through the process of evicting a tenant, is failing to adhere to a detailed step in the process and having to repeat it. One common pitfall in the eviction process is improper service. The best scenarioGo to Resource
In many contracts, one party agrees to provide insurance protecting and covering the other party. What kind of insurance is necessary or desirable? Is the insurance adequate? Particularly in a contract for services, the type of insurance the service provider carries is often built into the contract price for the services. It isGo to Resource