If you classify any workers as independent contractors, now is a good time to make sure you get those classifications right. The IRS and U.S. Department of Labor launched a massive “Misclassification Initiative” last year to identify employers who are labeling employees incorrectly as independent contractors to save on taxes. The IRS predictsGo to Resource
If you classify any workers as independent contractors, now is a good time to make sure you get those classifications right. The IRS and U.S. Department of Labor launched a massive “Misclassification Initiative” last year to identify employers who are labeling employees incorrectly as independent contractors to save on taxes. The IRS predictsGo to Resource
We are excited to announce the launch of the Altitude Community Law YouTube channel! At Altitude Community Law we are dedicated to educating homeowners, board of directors and managers about their rights and responsibilities. Our YouTube Channel has been created to help answer your burning questions, provide updated news and information and alsoGo to Resource
Over the past several months we have had several clients who have experienced difficulties in negotiating contracts with Comcast. Many associations are being approached by or seeking services from telecommunication providers so that access can be gained to the community for infrastructure or so residents within the community can obtain better pricing packages. Go to Resource
We often warn clients not to use the word “security” in governing documents, rules, signs, etc. Why? Because, the creation of an appearance that the association is providing, enhancing or maintaining security can create liability. Recently, a New York woman was raped by a pizza delivery boy who was allowed access to theGo to Resource