This morning the Colorado Legislative Action Committee held a legislative update breakfast.  Generally speaking, the speakers conveyed that the legislature was expressing that “consumer protection” was the name of the game this year.  It was also noted that their seemed to be a current mood in the legislature of “getting things done” and that, with the exception of the Transit Oriented Development Bill, the current slate of bills which impact the community association industry have a high likelihood of passing.  These include SB 13-126 (Electric Car Charging Stations);  SB 13-183 (Water Conservation) and some form of HB 13-1134 which is the HOA information and Resources Center Bill.  This bill is currently being reviewed and may appear in a modified format.

Also of note is that CLAC indicated that there are at least two other bills that may be introduced into this legislative year, however, as they have not yet been introduced, CLAC was unable to divulge their  content or even the general topic of the legislation.  However, we expect that these bills may address Manager Credentialing and some form of a homeowner’s right to enforce the provisions of the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act, as these were topics that were discussed at open forums last year but have been absent from the discussion this year.  Stay tuned as CLAC did promise that the second half of the legislative season would be most eventful.

David A. Firmin
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