2011 CCIOA Budget Ratification Checklist

As 2011 nears, many boards and managers find themselves in the midst of budget season. If your community was created after July 1, 1992, it is subject to the budget process laid out in CCIOA. Although this process sets forth lots of requirements, it also creates latitude for associations whose documents set forth more stringentGo to Resource

Reserve Funds 101

There has been much ado about reserve studies, reserve funds and investment of reserves in the last few years, fueled largely by changes in Colorado law related to reserves.  It is no wonder board members and managers often have a lot of questions about what is required and what is prudent.  This article is designedGo to Resource

Amending to Take Advantage of the Law

Does it ever feel like the answer to all your legal questions is to amend your governing documents?  Sometimes an amendment truly is the only solution to a problem, but other times there may be other avenues to explore. Nevertheless, the law provides associations with certain protections and rights that can only be utilized ifGo to Resource

6 Ways to Silence the Barking Dog

Summer night breezes, a cool walk in the park and a barking dog…These are the ingredients for a great evening.  If dog barking has become a problem in your community, here are six easy solutions to silence the barking. Personal contact.  If the board is comfortable approaching the owner, many times a simple, “hello, byGo to Resource
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