The terms “energy” and “efficient” are used every day in all aspects of life, both on a local and global scale. Homeowners associations are not immune from these terms or their application. The Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA“) contains an entire section (106.7) that addresses energy efficiency measures with respect to associations. The termGo to Resource
At Altitude Community Law, it’s important that we keep our clients up to date with the most recent information in the community association industry. As part of our educational strategies, our newsletters and blogs will give you deeper insight into the intricacies of community association law. We believe that the right attitude stems from being well versed in the knowledge necessary for community association operations, governance, and enforcement.
Below, check out the most recent news and in-depth insight by our Altitude Team:
I have recently encountered lots of questions about “working sessions” and whether they are legal. However, before discussing the legality of these mysterious little culprits, we must first figure out what they are. For most boards, working sessions are nothing more than informal gatherings during which they discuss various projects and other association-related issues inGo to Resource
Given the current litigious nature of owners, and Colorado courts’ general unwillingness to rule in favor of HOAs unless the associations have complied with all statutory and governing document provisions, it is more important now than ever to ensure your community is acting in compliance with all applicable laws and governing document requirements. Colorado lawGo to Resource
Did you know the term “association records” is defined by Colorado statute? The Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA“) clarifies the rights and obligations of both homeowners and associations in this regard, including identification of which association documents owners have a right to inspect and copy. What Constitutes Association Records? CCIOA, in Section 317, providesGo to Resource
There are certain things in life we do at certain times of year: New Year’s resolutions, flu shots in the fall; holiday shopping in the winter. Did you know there are certain to dos that should occur at particular times when handling delinquencies? Add these to your annual calendar each year to be sure youGo to Resource