Top 5 Defenses in Collections & How to Beat Them

Nearly half of the delinquent homeowners turned over to the Altitude Community Law Collections Department either pay off their balance or enter into some sort of payment arrangement relatively quickly in the process.  For those homeowners that don’t, it becomes necessary to take the next legal step: filing a county court lawsuit. The majority ofGo to Resource

Three Ways to Gain Control Over Delinquencies in This (Still) Tough Economy

Earlier this year, the Metro Denver Economic Development Corporation (an affiliate of the Metro Denver Chamber of Commerce) presented the 2010 Economic Forecast for Metro Denver, and it was not all bad news! Briefly stated, the EDC suggested that Metro Denver has the necessary fundamentals to bounce back from this economic recession. For example, DenverGo to Resource

WHOOPS!- Slips and Falls (Why Homeowners Or Other People Sue)

Associations have legal responsibilities under the governing documents and through common law to take reasonable steps to exercise reasonable care to protect against dangers of which the Association actually knew or should have known. There are several common sense risk management strategies associations can take to minimize the chance of a personal injury claim byGo to Resource

What Is Fair Housing?

In April 1968, President Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1968.  The Act was a follow-up to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The Act prohibited discrimination concerning the sale, rental, and financing of housing based on race, religion, national origin, sex, (and as amended) disability, and family status. The Act, along withGo to Resource

Ways To Prevent Fraud

It is said that fraud takes motivation and opportunity.  If both are not present, fraud cannot occur.  It is hard to affect motivation, but managers and boards can control the opportunity.  In today’s economy with foreclosures, tight credit, and job layoffs, diligence in watching and guarding association money is crucial. Below are some key thingsGo to Resource
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