Developer Liability Avoidance

General Advice to Developer-Appointed Association Directors Why increasing litigation? Some sloppy construction in 1980’s Developer frequently does not understand how Association works Profit center for plaintiff’s counsel Board fearful of breaching fiduciary duties Sometimes Board in control of aggressive few Generally litigious society Be aware of duties Duty of loyalty during transition Directors and fiduciaries. Go to Resource

Dealing With Harassment

Have you ever felt harassed by a homeowner or even a board member? If so, you join the growing number of board members and managers harassed each year. Harassment has become a serious and far reaching problem for many associations, boards and managers. Not only are rude and abusive owners a bigger problem these days,Go to Resource

Common Mistakes Boards Make at Annual Meetings

Inadequate notice. The Board should review the association’s bylaws to determine whether it requires annual meetings beheld on a specific date and/ or time. Many older bylaws do specify this information and the Board should not deviate from that requirement without first amending the Bylaws. The Board should review the requirements for member meetings toGo to Resource

When Disaster Strikes

When a townhouse exploded on Manhattan’s Upper East Side last summer, New Yorkers ran terror-stricken into the streets. As smoke billowed from the wreckage, no one knew what had caused the explosion, or how many people had been hurt. Just three months later, on October 11th, panicked residents were again evacuated when a small planeGo to Resource

Property Manager Liability: Lessons From & Comparisons to Other Professional Malpractice

INTRODUCTION In our society of increasing litigation, its comes as no surprise that suits against property managers are on the rise.  The incidence of lawsuits for professional negligence in various fields has increased greatly in the last ten years, and the property management field has not been immune to this trend.  While no course ofGo to Resource
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