Altitude Community Law P.C. is proud to announce that our Legal Administrator, Missy Hirst, was the recipient of this year’s David Award from the Mile High Chapter of the Association of Legal Administrators. The objective of this award is to recognize a legal administrator for significant and extended contributions to the ALA and its membership on a local, regional and national level. The David Award is named after two former Mile High Chapter Presidents, David S. Vogels, Jr. and David W. Brezina, who both went on to become president of the National Association of Legal Administrators. A selection committee composed of three current MHC ALA Board members, two members in good standing from the membership at large, and two Past Presidents in good standing are convened once per year to determine if there are any qualified candidates for the award. There is a long list of criteria meant as a guideline in the selection process and while the MCH ALA had a few wonderful candidates discussed, it was a unanimous decision to select Missy for this award.

Leaders in legal management like Missy are dedicated to the robust law industry here in Colorado. Altitude Community Law P.C. is so very proud of Missy’s accomplishments and supports her ongoing dedication to the legal industry. We are very lucky to have Missy on our team!
To learn more about benefits and membership in the Mile High Chapter of the ALA, please visit the ALA-MHC website.