Insurance Deductibles—Who Pays?

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  •  February 17, 2022
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Most people do not enjoy discussing insurance, but they really don’t enjoy trying to figure out who has to pay the deductible when a claim is submitted.  Can the deductible be assigned to the owner or does the association have to pay?  Unfortunately, there is not one simple answer to this question and it really …  Go to Event

Collections, Receiverships, and Foreclosures—What’s the Difference and Why Do We Care?

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  •  February 3, 2022
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

For most communities, collections are a necessity.  But “collections” may be accomplished by different means depending on the situation.  For example, an association may collect against an owner by initiating a personal lawsuit, or it can collect by initiating a foreclosure lawsuit against the property.  Somewhere in the middle is the receivership option as well.  …  Go to Event

Required and Recommended Policies—Do You Have Them?

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  •  January 19, 2022
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

You’re probably tired of hearing attorneys remind you about the required and recommended policies your community should have.  However, with changes in the law in 2021, a few things have changed from prior years, and this is a prime opportunity to discuss what policies are still required and recommended, as well as what policies may …  Go to Event

2021—Year in Review

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  •  January 13, 2022
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

We learned a lot from 2020, but 2021 proved to be educational as well.  With the continuation of COVID issues, pool waivers, face masks, and vaccines, there were little, if any, dull moments in 2021.  In this class we will look back on 2021 and discuss what we learned about associations in crisis, people’s anger …  Go to Event

Boulder City Class : Everything You Need to Know About Annual and other Meetings

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  •  September 8, 2021
     6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

**Boulder City Class** For many associations, annual meetings are just around the corner.  And for many boards, unfortunately, this is a time of confusion and angst, with even the most experienced board members and managers scratching their heads.  What kind of notice do we need to give? Are proxies permitted if we are meeting online? …  Go to Event

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