Towing, Xeriscaping, and Vegetable Gardens — Are We Complying with the New Laws?

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  • Towing, Xeriscaping, and Vegetable Gardens — Are We Complying with the New Laws?
     January 17, 2024
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

In 2023 the legislature enacted new laws addressing, among other things, towing, xeriscaping, and protecting owners’ rights to plant gardens.  Is your community in compliance with these new laws and do you have the requisite policies?  If your answer is “no” or “I don’t know” make sure to join us for this webinar where we …  Go to Event

Fair Housing Laws — What Are They and Do They Apply to Associations?

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  • Fair Housing Laws—What Are They and Do They Apply to Associations?
     April 4, 2024
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

In general, fair housing laws prohibit discrimination by housing providers.  But homeowners’ associations are not typically housing providers, so do these laws apply to HOA’s?  And if so, why and what do they require?    In this webinar we will discuss the various fair housing laws, typical violations of these laws, what you should do to …  Go to Event

Amending Your Governing Documents — Best Practices

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  • Amending Your Governing Documents — Best Practices
     July 11, 2024
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

As Colorado laws continue to change, there comes a time when associations must examine their governing documents and make certain revisions or completely rewrite them.  If you have ever gone through a governing document amendment process, you can attest this is not a quick or easy task, and presents board with many challenges.  It’s time …  Go to Event

What Does the Law Require that Your Association is Not Doing?

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  • What Does the Law Require that your Association is Not Doing?
     April 17, 2024
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Colorado laws contain many requirements associations must follow.  Many of these requirements are fairly well known and complied with, while others are less known and not always complied with.  When associations fail to comply with statutory requirements, they are exposed to liability.  But how do you comply with a legal requirement you don’t know exists?   …  Go to Event

Is Your Community Ready for a Disaster?

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  • Is Your Community Ready for a Disaster?
     May 2, 2024
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Colorado is a really exciting state—we have wildfires, hail storms, tornadoes, and other natural disasters.  But are you ready if one of these disasters hits your community?   A little bit of planning before a disaster strikes can save a lot of time, money, and stress, then responding to a disaster after it hits your community, …  Go to Event

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