The Wall Street Journal recently ran an article about “10 things E-Cigarettes Won’t Tell You” and two things stuck out for me, a non-smoker. First, “We can’t promise this won’t kill you.” As we know many associations are moving towards prohibiting smoking in common areas and in condominium units and one of the reasons is the second hand smoke impact on health. If e-cigs have fewer toxins than regular cigarettes as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concede, do they still carry the risk to non-users and thereby justify a ban by an association? The second “thing” that struck me as concerning is “E-joints and e-crack-pipes are new e-cig.” If you live in a state that has legalized marijuana on any level (recreational or medical) but your owners are concerned about the smell, could an e-cigarette with the liquid form of TCH be the solution? I think you might be able to require its use as a “reasonable accommodation” solution for medical use? Any thoughts?
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