Over the summer, a picture was floating around on different social media sites and news outlets. Headlines read: “How to Respond When Your Homeowners Association Won’t Let you Fly the American Flag” or “Man Paints House like American Flag in Protest”. The original story was that a homeowner in Cambridge, Maryland was bannedGo to Resource
We’ve all heard the horror stories of over the top holiday decorations. TLC has gone so far to do a show aptly names “Invasion of the Christmas Lights”. We’ve all watched the glorious moment when Clark Griswold dramatically plugs in his Christmas lights only to find out there’s a problem, but eventually withGo to Resource
We often read blogs by our colleagues across the country and found this one too funny not to share with our readers. What follows is a repost of a blog by David Swedelson, Partner at SwedelsonGottlieb. As community association attorneys, we are often called upon to deal with neighbor to neighbor complaints andGo to Resource
Have you ever wondered or been posed with the question of “what gives the board authority to adopt rules when the governing documents don’t specifically authorize this?” The answer is Section 302(1)(a) of CCIOA. In fact, Section 302(1) of CCIOA sets forth a plethora of powers associations may utilize even when their governingGo to Resource
I have sat through countless Board meetings where Board members and owners alike bemoan the condition of bank-owned properties in the community. Often, weeds have overtaken the yard, the grass is dead, and the home is in need of a new coat of paint. The question that always comes up is “What canGo to Resource