With the recent government shutdown still in effect and no end in sight, many home buyers are wondering how this will impact their ability to obtain FHA financing and whether homes can be sold using FHA during this uncertain period. In response to the influx of inquiries, FHA has published several Q&A articlesGo to Resource
As I look back over this series on Servant Leadership I realized that it was appropriate that I saved this characteristic for last, as I believe it is probably the most important one for a successful servant leader and is achieved by all of the other characteristics. Trust is defined by Webster’s asGo to Resource
If your association has employees you should be aware of the October 1 deadline for notices under the Affordable Care Act. Under the Affordable Care Act all covered employers must provide notice of insurance coverage options to their employees by October 1, 2013. However, on September 11, 2013, the Department of Labor indicatedGo to Resource
The word humility is a hard one to grasp in the context of a servant leader. In Jim Collins’ book, Good to Great, he concludes that great companies have level 5 leaders. And, level 5 leaders direct their ego away from them and focus on the larger goal of what the company achieves. Go to Resource
Flooded with questions over the recent floods in Colorado? Hopefully the answers to these frequently asked questions will help you keep your head above water: 1. Our community was hit with the flood. Does the association have any responsibility for repairs to the owner’s unit? It depends. In the absence of insurance coverageGo to Resource