Today, DORA held a hearing on the proposed permanent rules for manager licensing. Testimony was given by over a dozen individuals. We should receive final rules within the next week. As always, we will keep you informed when they are released. During the hearing it was announced that the annual license fee forGo to Resource
Recently, SB181 was introduced in the Senate to provide some oversight for the receivership process in Colorado. Briefly, a receivership is the court ordered appointment of a rental manager for a property. The receiver (rental manager) is a disinterested person who manages the rental of the property, collects the rents and disburses the rentsGo to Resource
Have you ever tried to get an insurance company to pay for siding replacement of hail-damaged siding? Better yet, have you ever been “lucky” enough to try and convince an insurance carrier to pay for replacement of all siding on a building (even the siding not damaged by hail) so all the sidingGo to Resource
On February 17, 2015, the Lone Tree City Council passed by a unanimous vote, an ordinance aimed at encouraging construction of condominium housing within the city limits. The ordinance essentially strips the ability of any association to seek redress from a building for defective construction, thus placing the burden on implementing repairs withinGo to Resource
When an association, director, management company or manager is sued, each named party has to make a decision (preferably in consultation with legal counsel) whether to report the claim to insurers for a possible paid defense. In an effort to avoid negative claim history, and to decrease the chances for a premium increase,Go to Resource