During the 2015-2016 federal legislative season, the Ham Radio lobby introduced H.R. 1301, a bill that seeks to prohibit associations from banning Ham Radio antennae in their communities.  This bill has been vehemently opposed by CAI for various reasons, and recently the parties reached a compromise with respect to the language contained inGo to Resource
Early this month, Loura was awarded the Outstanding Volunteer Service Award for her work on the Community Next: 2020 and Beyond project.  This project explored the future of community associations and developed this report.  The report suggests ways that we can impact community associations of the future through things we do today.  CongratulationsGo to Resource
When I see the words “social” and “engineering” in one sentence, my brain immediately goes to the scientific and medical side.  But in this case, we’re talking about something completely different.  The term, in this case, refers to the Social Engineering Fraud Endorsement that may be added to a fidelity/crime policy held byGo to Resource
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