2018 Life Lessons Series Recently Melissa Garcia wrote a blog sharing some HOA Life Lessons we should consider for 2018. Those lessons were meant for both reflection and action in our HOA pursuits. Wanting to take this a step further, Altitude Community Law would like to share some other Life Lessons throughout theGo to Resource
“Life is what happens to you when you’re busy making other plans.” John Lennon Truth. And as we’re starting 2018, I’m here to tell you one thing… go get a life! And by that I don’t mean the manic pursuit for a bigger paycheck, larger house, or faster car. What I mean isGo to Resource
Colorado law prohibits associations from adopting rules or regulations that effectively prohibit the installation of solar panels on homeowners’ properties, but associations are allowed to adopt reasonable rules governing such installation, which can be based on aesthetic considerations and to prohibit solar panels on common areas. Such rules must also not significantly increaseGo to Resource
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