Last year an owner in a community association created a synchronized light show on their home for Halloween. The video went viral and so did the visits to the home to see the light show live. It was estimated that the display drew in thousands of people each night. With that came trash,Go to Resource
SB11-269 known as the Electronic Recycling Jobs Act was approved by the Colorado legislature during the 2012 session. The Act is intended to create new jobs in the recycling industry but may also create new fees and opportunities for Colorado communities. The new law requires that companies who process more than 100 eligibleGo to Resource
Buying and selling real estate are often significant financial transactions for a closely-held business. Commercial real estate sales are common, and the contracts are based on standardized forms so these transactions often look and feel routine. But these are complex contracts, involving significant risk due to the amount of money in question andGo to Resource
After 11 years of battling, a judge has finally resolved an outstanding covenant enforcement dispute which involved many court hearings, a jury trial, two appeals and then a second trial. That’s correct, 11 years of an owner and an association going round-for-round on who was right. This dispute dates back to April 2001Go to Resource
Over 100 HOA owners received information from expert panelists about HOA issues and also voiced their concerns last night at a town hall meeting hosted by five Democratic state legislators. The legislators assembled a panel of government officials, HOA law experts, mediators and owner advocates to discuss current HOA legislation, initiatives to reformGo to Resource