Buying and selling real estate are often significant financial transactions for a closely-held business. Commercial real estate sales are common, and the contracts are based on standardized forms so these transactions often look and feel routine. But these are complex contracts, involving significant risk due to the amount of money in question andGo to Resource
After 11 years of battling, a judge has finally resolved an outstanding covenant enforcement dispute which involved many court hearings, a jury trial, two appeals and then a second trial. That’s correct, 11 years of an owner and an association going round-for-round on who was right. This dispute dates back to April 2001Go to Resource
Over 100 HOA owners received information from expert panelists about HOA issues and also voiced their concerns last night at a town hall meeting hosted by five Democratic state legislators. The legislators assembled a panel of government officials, HOA law experts, mediators and owner advocates to discuss current HOA legislation, initiatives to reformGo to Resource
With our record breaking temperatures becoming a distant memory and winter conditions right around the corner, it’s time for association’s to review their snow removal contracts. What should be included in these contracts? Below is a checklist of some of the most common provisions all snow removal contracts should contain: Define specific areasGo to Resource
What if an owner was delinquent in assessments and without filing a lawsuit and obtaining a judgment you could require the tenant living in the owner’s unit to pay the rent to the association instead of the owner to satisfy back assessments? Sound too good to be true? It isn’t! It can beGo to Resource