I just read an article out of Florida about board member education.  While we do not have mandatory board member education, CCIOA does encourage board members to obtain education and the expenses of that education can and should be covered by the association.  Serving on a board is a big responsibility. Oftentimes, a board is responsible for a million dollar or more budget. And, even if the budget is substantially less than that, the board is responsible for protecting, preserving and enhancing the community as a whole.  Not a small feat in today’s world. Attending educational events can help board members understand their fiduciary duties, learn their governing documents and network with other board members to share resources and support.

Altitude Community Law’ 2015 educational programs for board members may be secret to your success as a board member!

One response to “Pssst….. Education is the Secret
  1. I agree that board-member education is important, but how many are willing to take the time (and go through the “trouble”) of obtaining that? Even managers seem loathe to go out of their way, except when required for certification or retention. People these days just seem to think they know everything, and certainly don’t want to be told they can’t do what they’re doing. As a manager, I can say that I have learned something new every day of my 21-year career. This is one of the things I love about the job. Plus, it is never boring. As a board member, I am able to apply what I have learned, both through experience, and through forums, such as those conducted by Altitude Community Law. I haven’t been in a while, because the location is so-far away, but I often wonder how well-attended these are these days.
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