Altitude Community Law P.C. has much to celebrate as 2022 begins! Not only do we have the best clients and colleagues, but we are also proud to announce some exciting changes:
- We are pleased to announce that Jeffrey B. Smith is a new shareholder. Jeff joined Altitude in 2012 and is the head of our litigation department, with an emphasis on covenant enforcement. During his time with Altitude, Jeff has brought about several wins for associations, including a recent settlement of $450,000.00. Jeff is dedicated to obtaining the best results for our clients. With his new role as shareholder, Jeff will strengthen the firm’s litigation practice and add further depth to our bench.
- We are pleased to announce that Kiki N. Dillie is a new shareholder. Kiki joined Altitude in 2008 and heads our debt recovery department. During the past several years, Kiki’s emphasis has been on educating both internal staff and external clients on effective, efficient and compassionate collections. Over the past two years, Kiki has led her department in the successful collection of nearly $9,000,000.00. With her new role as shareholder, Kiki will continue leading her team and our clients in successful collections.
- We are pleased to announce that Amanda K. Ashley has been named partner. Amanda joined Altitude in 2017 and brought with her an extensive background in bankruptcy law. She thrives on building relationships with clients and industry professionals, and on assisting board members and owners in working together to achieve successful and financially healthy communities. As a partner with the firm, Amanda will continue her work in the debt recovery department while continuing to expand her practice into other facets of community association law.
- In the near future we will be adding new attorneys to our debt recovery and transactional departments, to further elevate your community association legal experience.
All of us look forward to continuing to provide your associations with the same excellent service in 2022, as we have for the past 33 years!
From our house to yours,
Altitude Community Law wishes you a prosperous New Year!