T’is the season for public elections and for community association annual meetings. You probably assumed the last word in the title above to be “VOte.” And yes, that’s one of the things we urge readers to do. Everybody has positions, opinions, differences of opinion and even disagreements over both public policy and HOA governance. We live in a democratic society, and your decisions and perspectives are formally recognized and valued. But the best way to fulfill your vision is to cast your vote. Please do so. This is a community association platform, so I will not digress with public policy or politics. But we provide several additional community association options for finishing the title of this article.
How about “VOice”? Related to vote, I am a strong proponent of discussion, debate and even disagreement. Not nasty grams, but rational people engaging in civilized discourse about issues that affect them. Enhanced communication, greater understanding and mutual respect and appreciation all flow from face-to-face interactions. I strongly encourage HOA leaders to provide adequate opportunities for owner comment as a part of annual meetings. We strongly encourage unit owners to: attend annual meetings, attend Board meetings, to meet and speak with their neighbors and community leaders, and to share their viewpoint. Please do so with civility, facts and maybe a bit of humor.
How about VOlunteer? Many community associations suffer from a lack of willing participants on the Board of Directors. Board membership is a great way to bring your perspectives to an important forum. If you want less of a commitment, consider volunteering for a committee, a project task force or a community clean-up. Every community has worthwhile projects which need personal energy and initiative. Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community. If you don’t want to do it for your HOA, consider a favorite school, nonprofit organization or religious group.
How about VOuchers? Volunteer Board members and other community volunteers are entitled to reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred. That’s just one way to recognize and reward those who contribute their time, energy and wisdom to their community. Volunteer recognition enhances more volunteerism and demonstrates gratitude, which we all need to do in every setting. When you attend your annual meeting, try saying “thank you” to your outgoing and incoming Board members.
How about VOlt? That’s a reference to the fact that the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (CCIOA) does not allow HOAs, to some extent, to prohibit renewable energy generation devices (i.e. electric car chargers). Nor can water-collecting rain barrels be outlawed. The author imagines himself an environmentalist, and encourages you to take both personal and community steps to preserve, protect and enhance our natural environment. You only get one planet.
How about VOws? Actually, I was running out of words beginning with “Vo”. I don’t like vodka, and voracious, vortex and vowel just don’t work here. But your commitment or solemn promise to some or all the foregoing concepts is a good way to make sure it happens. Your vow could be something a little more serious than a New Year’s resolution, but a little less formal than taking an oath. Use some “Vo” words. Do some “Vo” things.
Please contact an attorney at Altitude Community Law, at 303.432.9999, with any questions about claim handling.