Amending Your Governing Documents: Dos, Don’ts and Maybes

Event Phone: 303.432.9999

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  •  October 12, 2016
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Amending governing documents can be a monumental task that takes up lots of time and money of an association.  Therefore, it’s important not only to understand the amendment process itself, but also the theory of when amendments are necessary and when associations are better off leaving things as they are.  This webinar will provide information …  Go to Event

The ABC’s of Being a Board Member

Event Phone: 303.432.9999

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  •  February 18, 2016
     6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Many owners volunteer to serve on their association boards to give back to the community and contribute to a community’s success.  However, what many board members don’t realize at first is that they have many duties and obligations once they are elected to the board. Some of these duties and obligations are contained in the …  Go to Event

The ABC’s of Collections and Foreclosures

Event Phone: 303.432.9999

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  •  March 17, 2016
     6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

No doubt our economy is improving and associations are starting to experience a smaller number of delinquencies.  But unfortunately, no matter how good the economy gets, delinquencies still exist and must be addressed by associations. Therefore, it is imperative for boards to become familiar with the collections process and what can and can’t be done …  Go to Event

The ABC’s of Covenant Enforcement

Event Phone: 303.432.9999

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  •  May 19, 2016
     6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

No matter how much a board tries to obtain “voluntary compliance” with the association’s governing documents, there still seems to be at least one person in the crowd that refuses to comply.  For this reason, boards need to become familiar with and understand the covenant enforcement process.   In this class, we will discuss items such …  Go to Event

The ABC’s of Covenant Enforcement

Event Phone: 303.432.9999

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  •  August 18, 2016
     6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

No matter how much a board tries to obtain “voluntary compliance” with the association’s governing documents, there still seems to be at least one person in the crowd that refuses to comply.  For this reason, board need to become familiar with and understand the covenant enforcement process.   In this class, we will discuss items such …  Go to Event

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