Budgeting and Special Assessments – Common Mistakes

  • Budgeting and Special Assessments - Common Mistakes
     September 10, 2025
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

The CCIOA budget process is still unclear to many, especially when it comes to pre-CCIOA communities and imposition of special assessments.  When is owner approval required and when do we ratify?  Can the Board ever unilaterally set a budget for the next fiscal year without owner approval or ratification?  Can associations ever impose additional assessments …  Go to Event

How Developers Screw Things Up

  • How Developers Screw Things Up
     September 4, 2025
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

As Colorado continues to see more and more development and creation of common interest communities, it now more important than ever to ensure the t’s are crossed and the I’s are dotted prior to transition.  This session will explore common problems experienced by newly, and not so newly, transitioned associations and provide you with tools …  Go to Event

In-Depth Look at Insurance

  • In-Depth Look at Insurance
     August 26, 2025
     11:30 am - 1:30 pm

Let’s face it: nobody likes talking about insurance.  However, in this day and age we need to discuss it in much more detail than before.  Premiums are skyrocketing and associations are faced with very difficult decisions concerning the type of insurance they carry and staying within the confines of statutory requirements.  This webinar will first …  Go to Event

Reviewing ARC Applications

  • Reviewing ARC Applications
     August 13, 2025
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

With the covenant enforcement process getting more difficult with each passing legislative session, it is imperative for associations to ensure they are not making any mistakes at the front end.  In our experience, one of the front-end processes that oftentimes causes difficulty for associations down the line, is the ARC review process.  Whether it’s approving …  Go to Event

What You Need to Know About Contract Disputes

  • What You Need to Know About Contract Disputes
     August 7, 2025
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Your association contracted with a landscaping company that did a horrible job on the property and everything looks awful!  It seems only fair that the association not pay the contractor for its shoddy job; in fact, the contractor should be paying the association for all the damages it caused to the common area.  Right??  Not …  Go to Event

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