How Do You Handle Noise, Odor, and Other Nuisance Complaints?

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  • How Do You Handle Noise, Odor, and Other Nuisance Complaints?
     March 13, 2024
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Noise, odor, and nuisance complaints in general have always been difficult to enforce; but with the adoption of HB 1137 in 2022, they became even more difficult to address by associations. Not only is there difficulty proving the violation, associations now have to work with an enforcement process that essentially requires them to start the …  Go to Event

Thou Shall Not . . . A Refresher on all the Items Associations Cannot Prohibit

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  • Though Shall Not . . . A Refresher on all the Items Associations Cannot Prohibit
     July 17, 2024
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

It seems that every year we get new legislation prohibiting associations from banning certain owner-installed improvements, making it very difficult to keep track of all the protected improvements.  This means it’s time for a refresher!  There may be some items you forgot about or didn’t realize were beyond an association’s capability to control or prohibit, …  Go to Event

Inspection of Records — What are Owners Entitled to See?

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  • Inspection of Records — What are Owners Entitled to See?
     May 8, 2024
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

It’s an age-old question: what documents do we have to produce to owners for inspection?  Unfortunately, the language of CCIOA does not make it easy to answer this question, which leads to perpetual confusion.   In this webinar we will break down the document inspection requirements in detail to provide associations with assistance on making these …  Go to Event

Statutory Default Provisions — When Documents are Silent, What is the Answer?

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  • Statutory Default Provisions — When Documents are Silent, what is the Answer?
     August 1, 2024
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Do you know that both CCIOA and the Nonprofit Act have default provisions that kick in when an association’s governing documents are silent?   These provisions can and should be utilized by associations whenever possible.  But what are these provisions and what do they pertain to?   Join us for this informative presentation highlighting some of the …  Go to Event

2023 — Year in Review

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  • 2023 — Year in Review
     January 11, 2024
     12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Join us for the annual tradition where we look back at the prior calendar year and discuss what we learned from it.  In prior years, there was a lot to talk about, and 2023 is no exception!  Although 2023 did not have as many statutory changes as prior years, we were still hit with new …  Go to Event

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