Earlier this week, two new bills were introduced into the State House for consideration that are directly aimed at Homeowners’ Associations. HB 23-1127, dubbed as the “Customer’s Right to Use Energy”, adds additional protections into the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA”) for new green technologies.  The bill, as currently drafted, adds “MicroGo to Resource
In eager anticipation of new legislation, the first of the homeowner association bills was introduced in the form of HB 23-1105.  HB 23-1105 proposes to create task forces to investigate relationships between metro districts, district boards, homeowners’ associations and their boards and the owners they serve.  If signed into law, these task forcesGo to Resource
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens,                                                                                           Sign/Flags and Solar with EV and Inspections Xeriscaping, Meetings, Enforcement and More Now you must physically post on their doors! No daily late fees and payment plans of 18 months $25 minimums and lots of other foreclosure stuff Changes have come in all forms, don’tGo to Resource
Having reconvened on May 26, 2020 following the roughly two-month long COVID-19 recess, the Colorado General Assembly officially adjourned sine die on Monday, June 15, 2020. Considering the impact of the COVID-19 crisis, Colorado’s legislature was forced to make difficult fiscal and policy decisions during its last weeks of business. Throughout the session,Go to Resource
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