In eager anticipation of new legislation, the first of the homeowner association bills was introduced in the form of HB 23-1105. HB 23-1105 proposes to create task forces to investigate relationships between metro districts, district boards, homeowners’ associations and their boards and the owners they serve. If signed into law, these task forces will examine issues confronting communities that are governed by either the board of an association or the board of a metropolitan district. The task forces will report to the Division of Housing in the Department of Local Affairs and will be used to determine issues with foreclosure and fining practices.
Members of the HOA task force shall include two owners, at least one of whom resides in a common interest community, a representative of a developer, a member of the house of representatives, a member of the senate, an attorney specializing in association law, and a representative of an organization that advocates for HOA homeowners. Members will be appointed by July 31, 2023 with an interim report being due September 30, 2023 and a final report being due no later than December 31, 2023.
The Metropolitan District task force members shall include an attorney specializing in special district law, two homeowners residing in a district, an elected city council member, an elected county commissioner, a representative of a developer, a member of the house of representatives, and a member of the senate. The committee will be appointed by December 31, 2023 and a report due no later than March 1, 2024.
We will keep you updated as this works its way through the process through our 2023 Legislative Tracker.
If you have any questions on the new bill, please contact any of our Altitude attorneys at [email protected] or (303) 432-9999.