With all that is happening right now, we want to keep you up to date on where Colorado’s General Assembly is at this session. With the public health crisis, life has come to a halt for the legislature. On March 14th the General Assembly passed House Joint Resolution 20-1006, adjourning the legislature for two weeks to prevent the spread of the virus.
For background: Enacted by voters in 1988, the Colorado General Assembly is limited to a 120 day session. Historically, the 120 days has been interpreted as 120 CONSECUTIVE days – allowing for Colorado to have a part-time citizen’s legislature.
With the public health crisis Colorado is currently facing, the question was posed to Colorado’s Supreme Court: Are the 120 days of session required to be served consecutively? Or is it 120 working days?
With the Colorado Supreme Court ruling in favor of the 120 days being served inconsecutively, the legislature does not face their fast approaching adjournment date of May 6th. Instead, once the public health crisis is over, the General Assembly will be able to pick up where they left off.
With more than 350 bills in limbo, we still have our eyes on HB20-1200 and HB20-1333, both of which concern the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act. As we previously mentioned in blogs regarding HB20-1200 and HB20-1333, these bills, in their current form, will prove to be problematic for community associations and Coloradans alike. Although unlikely to see action on these bills in the coming weeks (as the legislature is adjourned), we are diligently monitoring ANY and ALL action, both on these bills and at the legislature. With fiscal issues being paramount, HB 20-1200 which carries a very large fiscal note, this bill will be vigorously debated.
We will continue to update you on any action at the legislature. Unfortunately, all we can do is wait, watch, and report to you on Colorado’s legislative happenings.
Be sure to track all legislative bills regarding community associations on our Legislative Tracker.