As an HOA focused law firm, we offer many services that would benefit your association. Below are some sneak peeks of the services we offer! If you would like to discuss any of the options below or have questions, please feel free to email us at [email protected] or call us at 303-432-9999.

Recommended Policy Updates

9 Required Policies

Pursuant to C.R.S. §38-33.3-209.5 of the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act, an association is required to adopt nine policies. We can draft all nine required policies for a fixed fee.

Camera Policy

Prior to installing cameras in an association, the board should adopt a camera policy to address the potential liabilities that cameras create.

Collections Policy

HB24-1233, in addition to HB24-1337, revised various sections of CCIOA with respect to the collection and foreclosure of delinquent assessments.

Enforcement, Collections, & Conduct of Meetings Policies Package

HB22-1137 revised various sections of CCIOA and requires associations to update the following three policies: Covenant Enforcement, Conduct of Meetings, and Collections.

EV Charging Station Policy

The EV Charging Stations law was introduced under SB13-126 and HB23-1233, and is now codified in C.R.S. §38-33.3-106.8 of CCIOA. The law requires the allowance of EV Charging Stations in residential common interest communities.

Grill Policy

Due to Colorado’s high risk for wildfires and hail damage, many insurance companies have decided to no longer insure community associations unless they adopt a Grill Policy.

Insurance Claims Submission and Allocation of Deductible Policy and Procedure

With skyrocketing insurance costs and continued water intrusion claims, associations should ensure they have clear and easy-to-follow procedures in place for filing insurance claims and allocating deductibles.

Personal Identifying Information Policy

A PII policy is necessary for associations to establish a process for the security and destruction of documents containing personal identifying information in its possession, whether in paper or electronic format.

Reasonable Accommodation Policy

To minimize potential discrimination claims within your association, a Reasonable Accommodation Policy should set forth a process for requesting accommodations, reviewing the requests, and making decisions on the same.

Recommended Policies

While not required under Colorado law, the information sheet below contains a list of standard recommended policies that may be appropriate for your association.

Towing Policy

HB22-1314, which was signed into law in 2022, and most recently HB24-1051, created substantial new towing requirements that regulate towing carriers.

Water Leak Policy

One of the most difficult situations for boards and managers to respond to is a water leak situation. To more efficiently determine the source of leaks and mitigate damage, associations should consider adopting a water leak policy.

Xeriscaping Policy

SB23-178 revises C.R.S. §38-33.3-106.5 of CCIOA, part of which addresses the use of xeriscape and drought-tolerant landscaping.

Recommended Governing Documents Updates

Amended and Restated Bylaws

Over the past two decades changes in both CCIOA and the Nonprofit Act have served to supersede and supplement provisions typically contained in the Bylaws. Therefore, if you are working off of an old set of Bylaws, chances are they no longer comply with current law and/or are missing significant new requirements.

Other Recommended Services

Board Orientation Training

Holding a Board of Directors Orientation can provide a newly-elected board member with the information necessary to serve his or her community efficiently and effectively.

Insurance Audit

Do you have questions about whether your association is over-insured? Under-insured? Not meeting statutory requirements? If so, you should have an insurance audit performed by your association’s legal counsel.

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