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Recent Publications by ACL

You may think that drones are only used by the federal government but think again.  Drones are defined as any unmanned aerial vehicle, and privately operated drones are becoming more common and are readily available on the market for a small price ($49-$499). A promoter of personal use drones has declared 2014 the year ofGoGo to Resource
In an independent national survey of community association residents conducted early this year by Public Opinion Strategies on behalf of CAI, 80% of community association residents opposed additional regulation of community associations. I wonder if our Colorado legislators are aware of this number?  This is a staggering statistic given the significant stream of steady legislationGoGo to Resource
In a release by the Community Association Institute, it is reported that Colorado has approximately 9,000 community associations or 2.8% of all associations in the United States.  Based upon these figures it can be extrapolated that the associations within our state account for: *46,900 board members *16,548 committee members *2,136,400 hours of service performed byGoGo to Resource

Discussing Delinquencies in Open Meetings

The Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act (“CCIOA”) requires board meetings be open to attendance by owners in the community unless the board goes into executive session.  All owners are therefore allowed to attend any portion of board meetings except when they are excluded from a properly called executive session. CCIOA authorizes boards to go intoGo to Resource
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